Clara Is Enjoying Her New Outdoor Playset
Clara, with severe level 3 autism, is enjoying her new outdoor playset and is making fun memories with her brothers.
Thank you from Clara’s Family
“We received the playground, and with the help of friends and neighbors, got it built. This experience was faster than expected and such a treasure to our family and neighbors. So many people heard about this program and wanted more information for various reasons. And wanted to help us complete her dream. Clara felt special and had fun choosing her gift with her brothers. Plus, it brought a lot of joy to our family. Thank you!” – Clara’s mom, Karin
Clara’s Diagnosis
Clara is diagnosed with level 3 severe autism. Level 3 autism, also known as severe autism, is the most significant level of autism spectrum disorder. Children with level 3 autism have limited or no speech, restricted social communication skills and sensory processing issues. They require a higher level of support and supervision through their lifetime.
Many thanks to a generous donor who made an anonymous donation through Fidelity Charitable and our Adopt a Dream donors who made Clara’s dream come true.
Our Mission
Sunshine Foundation answers the dreams of children, ages three through eighteen, who have severe or profound physical/developmental/intellectual challenges or trauma from physical/sexual abuse, and whose families have limited income. Since 1976, Sunshine Foundation has spread Sunshine into the lives of more than 42,500 children.