Addie’s Royal Cupcake Stand

Princesses, Princes, Villains, and Knights in shining armor joined Addie and friends to host the 10th Annual Addie’s Royal Cupcake Stand! This fantastic event spread cheer throughout the town with special cupcake deliveries in the morning. In the afternoon, everyone joined to host the cupcake stand to sell 3,000 delicious cupcakes! Thank you to everyone who baked, volunteered, and joined the festivities to answer Amya’s dream of a safe backyard playground.

Thank you from Amya!

Amya, 6, diagnosed with Rickets, developmental delay, and hyperparathyroidism, dreams of an Accessible Outdoor Play Area and Accessories to have a safe place to play.

Addie, a former dreamer of Sunshine Foundation, has been spreading Sunshine since 2013. When she was seven, Addie received her dream trip to Disney World. Once she returned, she wanted to make a dream come true for other children.

This year, Addie and her royal crew of princesses and superheroes helped to make Amya’s dream come true!

Event Details

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

3:00 – 5:30 PM

First International Bank and Trust Parking Lot

865 37th Ave S, Moorhead, MN

Place your order or stop by and pick up some delicious cupcakes!