Farrenton Visits LEGOLAND and Meets Master Wu

Farrenton, diagnosed with level 3 severe autism, enjoyed his Central Florida theme park trip where he was able to meet some of his favorite characters. Farrenton enjoyed a visit to LEGOLAND, where he was able to attend the Ninjago show and meet the wise Master Wu!

Thank you from Farrenton’s Family

“I want to thank the sponsors and Sunshine Foundation for blessing our family with this great opportunity, this has been a dream come true for Farrenton and my family. We had a wonderful time meeting new people and seeing the children enjoying themselves. This trip was absolutely magical!” Farrenton’s grandmother, Donna

Farrenton’s Diagnosis

Farrenton has been diagnosed with level 3 severe autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder is defined by the CDC as “a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain.” Autism affects each person differently, and their ability to function can vary significantly. Level 3 severe autism is a term used to define children and adults with the most severe form of Autism Spectrum Disorder.


We are very grateful to a very generous private donor and Adopt a Dream donors, who made Farrenton’s dream come true!

Farrenton with autism meets Master Wu in Legoland
Farrenton with autism in front of a ride
Farrenton with autism and his family in the Sunshine Foundation's Dream Village
Farrenton with autism and his family meet Master Wu in Legoland
Farrenton with autism meets Master Wu in Legoland

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