Sensory Gym for Jackson

Building a home sensory gym

Our latest dreamer to benefit from a shopping spree is five-year-old Jackson. Jackson, who has bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, wished for items to build a sensory gym at home. “We have 3 children, 2 of which have “extra” or special needs and we have been working towards providing a sensory gym in our garage! With your gift, we have been able to purchase a lot that Jackson’s OT has recommended as well as things we know Jackson has been wanting. From a crash pad, weighted blanket, and outdoor porch swing, to books, a fuzzy carpet, and a dinner plate that is a maze, Jackson has been over the moon with joy! Thank you for everything!” –Jackson’s family

Sponsored by Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation

Jackson’s Dream Come True was made possible by the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation. Thank you for your ongoing support!

Boy with hearing loss under a weighted blanket
Boy with hearing loss laying on a fuzzy carpet
Boy with hearing loss enjoy a ride-on toy
Boy with hearing loss with his toy boxing stand
Boy with hearing loss jumping on a crash pad
Boy with hearing loss under a weighted blanket

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