Teen Creates Sunshine Packs

Teen Volunteer Completes Service Project to Help Ill Children

Taylor Stuart 15, a freshman at Cypress Creek High School in Orlando, created a service project called “Sunshine Packs.” These activity packs include different games, activities, toys, plus a special Sunshine Activity book that she designed for children served by the Sunshine Foundation. Taylor is a volunteer with the All-Volunteer Sunshine Foundation Central Florida Chapter and the Sunshine Foundation Dream Village.

Taylor says, “I am extremely passionate about the Sunshine Foundation charity and helping spread sunshine to children all over the country.”

The Packs of Sunshine by Taylor Stuart service project was originally created in 2020 in preparation to compete in the National American Miss Florida Pageant and as a way to continue giving back to the community and to connect with the Sunshine Foundation dreamers. With her reign as Miss Florida Jr Teen coming to an end, Taylor intends to keep her service project going as long as there are children out there who still want the Sunshine Packs. Taylor put together this special project for children who are waiting for their Dream Come True to be provided by the Sunshine Foundation. Over 100 dreams are waiting to be rescheduled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The packages are put together by Taylor individually and even include a handwritten note from Taylor herself. At this time, the service project has even spread to past Dream Come True dreamers.

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