Adilynn’s Caribbean Cruise

Adilynn, diagnosed with quadriplegia after being hit head-on in an auto accident by an intoxicated driver, enjoyed a wonderful Caribbean cruise with her family.

Family Thank You

Adilynn mostly enjoyed the music and shows we watched while on board the ship. Because of the donors and Sunshine Foundation, she was able to enjoy a 5 day cruise with her family that would not have been previously possible, and for that we are forever grateful!LeAnn, Adilynn’s Mom

Adilynn’s Diagnosis

Adilynn has a diagnosis of quadriplegia, a spinal cord injury with damage to any part of the spinal cord or nerves at the end of the spinal canal. The injury often causes permanent changes in strength, sensation and other body functions below the site of the injury.


Adilynn’s dream was answered by Sunshine Foundation’s generous donors via the Annual Appeal, Giving Tuesday, and Adopt a Dream. Thank you for making Adilynn’s dream come true!

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