Benjamin’s Magical Vacation

Benjamin, diagnosed with spina bifida, enjoyed his family trip to the Florida Theme Parks. He enjoyed his stay at Sunshine Foundation’s Dream Village and his visit to Disney World.

Thank you from Benjamin’s Family

Thank you to the sponsors and the Sunshine Foundation for a magical vacation. We are beyond grateful for the opportunity to enjoy Florida and Walt Disney World. We all had so much fun and enjoyed everything immensely!!” – Benjamin’s Family

Benjamin’s Diagnosis

Benjamin has been diagnosed with spina bifida, a birth defect of a person’s spine.


We are very grateful to Adopt a Dream donors and the Harry and Zoe Poole Foundation for answering Benjamin’s dream.

Benjamin with spina bifida holding a lightsaber inside of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars
Benjamin with spina bifida and his family in front of Cinderella's Castle in Magic Kingdom
Benjamin and his family in Disney World
Benjamin with spina bifida with his Mickey ears and Mickey t-shirt on
Benjamin in spina bifida swimming in a pool
Benjamin with spina bifida holding a lightsaber inside of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars

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