Isaiah Is All Smiles on His Magical Dream Trip to the Florida Theme Parks

Isaiah, with Type 1 Diabetes, couldn’t stop smiling as he experienced all the magic of his trip to Florida. He was excited to meet Mickey Mouse, Buzz Lightyear, go on rides and enjoy some special time with his family.

Thank you from Isaiah’s Family

Isaiah and I had such an amazing and magical experience for the first time at Disney World and staying at The Sunshine Dream Village Elves cottage. This experience would not have been possible if not for Isaiah’s sponsors and Sunshine Foundation. Isaiah got to experience all the rides. He was able to meet some of his favorite characters like Buzz Lightyear, Goofy, and Mickey. My heart is full coming back from this trip with complete gratitude, a memory that is forever engraved in our hearts! Thank you for such a wonderful and memorable trip for my family!” – Isaiah’s mom

Isaiah’s Diagnosis

Isaiah has type 1 diabetes, a chronic condition that affects the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin.


We are grateful to Drueding Foundation and the Adopt A Dream donors for making Isaiah’s dream come true!

Sunshine Foundation answers the dreams of children, ages three through eighteen, who have severe or profound physical/developmental/intellectual challenges or trauma from physical/sexual abuse, and whose families have limited income. Since 1976, Sunshine Foundation has spread Sunshine into the lives of more than 42,500 children.

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