Landon’s Bounce House

Landon, with level 3 severe autism, has been bouncing on his knees long before even walking. Landon had a dream of a backyard bounce house to bounce in. Landon LOVES all things sensory, especially jumping! Since he was able to sit up as a toddler, before even walking, Landon has hopped on his knees everywhere. Thanks to Sunshine Foundation’s wonderful donors, Landon’s dream to have an outside bounce house came true. Landon’s family says this helps his sensory needs and has brought a SMILE to his face.

Landon’s Diagnosis

Landon has been diagnosed with level 3 severe autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder is defined by the CDC as “a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain.” Autism affects each person differently, and their ability to function can vary significantly. Level 3 severe autism is a term used to define children and adults with the most severe form of Autism Spectrum Disorder.


Landon’s wish was granted by the Lashner Family Fund and Adopt a Dream donors, thank you!

Landon with autism having a great time in his new bounce house
Landon with autism having a great time in his new bounce house

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