Kennedi, with level 3 severe autism, is enjoying his new outdoor playset!
Ryley’s Bedroom Makeover
Ryley, diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, enjoys playing video games and hanging out with friends. Ryley is very thankful to Sunshine Foundation donors for his bedroom makeover. Even Ryle’s dog is enjoying the new “pad!”
Family Thank You
“With the money that was given to Ryley, we painted the room, got him a brand new bed, he got the tv of his liking, he got his computer, the gaming chair, and all the little fun accessories. We are incredibly thankful to the Sunshine Foundation for providing this dream come true!” – Nikki, Ryle’s Mom
Ryley’s Diagnosis
Ryley has a diagnosis of Type I diabetes. Once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, it is a chronic condition with no cure. In this condition, the pancreas makes little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy.
Ryley’s dream was answered by the Lashner Family Fund and generous Adopt a Dream donors. Thank you for making Ryle’s dream come true!