Jaremey Visits Toy Story Land

Jaremey, diagnosed with level 3 severe autism and dysphagia, enjoyed his Central Florida theme park trip. Jaremey enjoyed the time he spent in Disney’s Toy Story Land and got to see the Pixar Ball, which has been in many of the Disney films. Looking at Jaremey’s favorite pictures of his trip, he is a poster boy for taking cute pictures!

Thank you from Jaremey’s Family

Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity and thank you so much for everyone involved in making this trip a reality. I can’t express enough how this has impacted our lives. It’s been a rough few years with Jaremey’s dad passing away. It’s already rough on the average person who can express and process their feelings. It’s been extra hard on Jaremey who hasn’t been able to do that. Just getting away from everyday life was a breath of fresh air. Him being able to stay, play, and swim somewhere where he could just be him was amazing. It was nice to be able to relax and let him do that. Not have to worry about every penny and how it will affect me the next month. Usually, I’m on high alert making sure he’s following all the rules. I think that was the best part. We also really liked seeing and hanging out with the volunteers and staff. I want to take a minute to say an extra thanks to the donors. It’s an amazing feeling to know there are people like you out there who don’t know us personally and just want to make a kid smile with nothing in return. You are so appreciated, and I hope I can pay it forward one day.” – Jaremey’s mother, Danielle

Jaremey’s Diagnosis

Jaremey has been diagnosed with level 3 severe autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder is defined by the CDC as “a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain.” Autism affects each person differently, and their ability to function can vary significantly. Level 3 severe autism is a term used to define children and adults with the most severe form of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Disphagia is difficulty swallowing.


We are very grateful to a very generous private donor and Adopt a Dream donors, who made Jaremey’s magical dream come true!

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