All Volunteer Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter

The Sunshine Foundation would like to thank all our All-Volunteer Chapters for the work they do to support us. Today we would like to highlight the All-Volunteer Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter. Each year the Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter puts on fun events such as Mother/Son and Daddy/Daughter Events, Craft Shows, and BINGO. We are so grateful for all you do for the Sunshine Foundation and the children.

Recent dreams sponsored by the Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter

Events hosted by the Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter

Holiday Craft Show

The ALL-VOLUNTEER Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter hosted its annual Holiday Craft Show to help answer Ryan’s dream.

Daddy Daughter Dance

The ALL-VOLUNTEER Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter hosted dads and young daughters at the You Are my Sunshine! Daddy Daughter Dance to answer Jolee’s dream.

Mother Son Date

The All-Volunteer Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter a supercharged Mother-Son Superhero Date

Holiday Craft Show

The All-Volunteer Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter hosted the Holiday Craft Show to help answer Aliciana’s dream

Halloween Bingo

A festive night of Halloween BINGO hosted by the All-Volunteer Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter answers Aliciana’s dream.

Daddy Daughter Dance

The All-Volunteer Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter hosted the You Are my Sunshine! Daddy Daughter Dance to answer Dominic’s dream

Holiday Craft Show

The All-Volunteer Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter hosted its Holiday Craft Show to spread sunshine!

Halloween Bingo

The All-Volunteer Hammonton Wishin Well Chapter dressed up to spread sunshine at the Halloween Dinner and Bingo!

June Jubilee Craft Show

The All-Volunteer Hammonton Wishing Well Chapter hosted their June Jubilee Craft Show to help answer Virginia’s dream of visiting Disney World and Magic Kingdom!