36th Annual Glory Days Grill Sunshine Foundation Golf Tournament

The 36th Annual Glory Days Grill Golf Tournament is turning dreams into reality for Neveah and Moises. Neveah, with Bilateral primal femoral focal deficiency, is looking forward to an RV TripMoises, with severe level 3 autism, dreams of meeting his favorite characters from UP at Disney World. Thank you to all the sponsors, volunteers, and participants who made this tournament a great success!

Welcome from Pax Fox

Thank you to the generous sponsors of the 36th Annual Glory Days Grill Golf Tournament.

The amazing team at Glory Days Grill hosted their annual Sunshine Foundation Golf Tournament at the Westfileds Golf Club in Clifton, VA on Tuesday, October 17th.

Dreams Answered by Glory Days Grill

Girl with intellectual disability holding her new real baby dolls

Alexis’ Real Dolls

Alexis, with severe intellectual disability, was thrilled to be able to purchase real baby dolls and accessories with her shopping spree from Sunshine Foundation.

Dominique’s Dream Come True!

Dominique’s Dream Come True! “She was able to things without sitting on the sidelines, she smiled a lot!” Dominique who…